I shout to you.

When we were growing up, so many of us were told that we were so special, different and unique.  As we begin to grow up we believe these lies. It's not until we experience the tough, calloused challenges of life that don't cease on a day to day basis. We stop looking at ourselves and realize that life treats everyone the same. Everyone will experience heartbreak, disappointment and discomfort.  All know what lonely nights and life changing realizations will feel like.

Some of us are equipped better to deal and cope with the hardships. The ones to get through them, are considered normal and that's what is expected of them.  But what about the ones that simply cannot cope? The ones that do not go unscathed but have the rips and tears of life embedded and marked upon their skin? Is it that they feel too much ?  Is it that they are not mentally competent to just get through the tragedies of life? Perhaps.

Many of us ponder this perplexing fact. We yearn for answers and we never settle for a illogical pious response. We need to know that our screaming hearts are alive. Maybe we need the reassurance that normality is a human made concept. A concept that fits the society molds as acceptable.  No, no, no, I will not settle for your mediocre response! Take me to another place!

Take me to the stars. Take me to far off places of new! Where you can be whatever is in your heart and people there can express themselves without worry of judgment! Anxiety and sadness leave me! Let me feel and love and learn and exist.  Yes! Yes! Yes! Please give me the sunset and dark star laden-skies. Let me be alive in love and enjoying the embrace of my paramour! Let me know that is perfectly fine to be broken and to feel the deep wounds of sorrow.

Yes. This place does exist though, for my heart tells me so. In my mind, in my body, and in my heart. It fills my lungs with an exuberant flame. I know that it must be.

Special. Unique. Different. It comes after we realize that we are not these things that we truly can embark on the journey to become these things. Yes. My heart is so very different and thoughts are so very unique. We become what we want to be. A lover. A philosopher. A skeptic. A  dreamer. A leader. 

Maybe that is the gatekeeper. The realization and the self awareness of just how small we truly are. Only then can we rise to the possibility of a new human being.


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